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Unveiling the Wonders of Cordyceps Fungi

Unveiling the Wonders of Cordyceps Fungi

What are Cordyceps?

Cordyceps is a genus of ascomycete fungi with a total of 600 species. Most cordyceps
  mushrooms are parasitic on insects and other arthropods.

Cordyceps were traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat many diseases. It was believed to treat coughs, used as an aphrodisiac, used as a treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome and to improve the immune system.

Cordyceps used for human consumption and for therapeutic properties mostly tend to be either cordyceps sinensis or cordyceps militaris.

Cordyceps Sinensis Vs Cordyceps Militaris

Cordyceps Sinensis Cordyceps Militaris

Is a species of fungus in the Cordycipitaceae Family

is an entomopathogenic fungus (a fungus that grows on insects) in the family Ophiocordycipitaceae

can be cultivated in a variety of media, including silkworm pupae, rice, and liquid nutrition

t parasitizes the larvae of moths within the family Hepialidae, specifically genera(group) found on the Tibetan Plateau and in the Himalayas, between elevations of 3,000 and 5,000 meters (10,000 and 16,000 ft).

The fungus germinates out the larva with a dark brown fruiting body.Ophiocordyceps sinensis. (2023, July 25). 343In Wikipedia.

The price of cordyceps militaris ranges from $1 to $100 per gram.

The price of cordyceps sinensis ranges from $50 to $500 for wild cordyceps Sinensis.
Cultivated Cordyceps Sinensis are a bit more affordable, with prices ranging from $5 to $100 per gram.

Health Benefits of Cordyceps

Boost Your Athletic Performance with Cordyceps

If you're aiming to up your athletic game, Cordyceps militaris mushroom blend could be your secret weapon. This special blend has been proven to help you endure and perform better during intense workouts.

Imagine this: you're in the middle of a challenging workout, whether it's running, cycling, or any high-intensity activity. With Cordyceps, you'll notice that you can keep going for longer without feeling as tired. It's like having a reserve of energy that keeps you going strong.

Cordyceps does something amazing for your body. It helps your muscles use oxygen and energy more efficiently, so you can push yourself harder without burning out quickly. It's like upgrading your body's engine to turbo mode, so you can keep up the pace and outperform your previous limits.

Whether you're a sports enthusiast, love cardio workouts, or just want to stay active, Cordyceps can make a real difference. The study "Cordyceps militaris Improves Tolerance to High-Intensity Exercise After Acute and Chronic Supplementation" by Katie R. Hirsch and her team, published in 2016, supports these benefits. This research involved twenty-eight individuals in a controlled study, and it found that Cordyceps can enhance your ability to handle intense exercise.
The following are the finding of the research:

The researchers rounded up 28 folks for their experiment, the average age of around 22.7 years, a mix of heights (around 175.4 cm) and weights (around 71.6 kg). They divided these folks into two groups. One group got to drink this mushroom blend containing Cordyceps militaris (let's call it the MR group), and the other group got a placebo drink (the PL group, which was just plain maltodextrin). Both these groups had to do high-intensity exercise.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. The researchers put the adventurers on exercise machines - first, a fancy cycle thing called an ergometer for a tough biking test. They measured how much oxygen their bodies used up during this tough exercise (that's the maximal oxygen consumption or VO2max). They also checked how long they could keep going at high intensity (time to exhaustion or TTE) and when their breathing started to really ramp up (ventilatory threshold or VT).

Then, they made them pedal on this bike for 3 minutes, checking how much power they could generate (that's relative peak power output or RPP). They even averaged out their power output (average power output or AvgP) and saw how much their power dropped over time (percent drop or %drop).

Here's the twist - for the first week of sipping their drinks, nothing much happened. Both the MR and PL groups were pretty similar in their performance. But then, magic started happening after 3 weeks.

The MR group, the ones with the mushroom blend, suddenly got a boost. Their maximal oxygen consumption went up, showing that they were better at using oxygen during exercise. And check this out, their endurance shot up too - they could pedal longer before getting tired (time to exhaustion increased by +28.1 seconds after 1 week and +69.8 seconds after 3 weeks). Even their breathing threshold went higher (VT increased by +0.7 l·min−1).

The PL group, who had the placebo, didn't have any big changes in their performance. Their VO2max and TTE barely budged.

So, what's the big takeaway? Regular consumption of Cordyceps mushrooms increases athletic performance. Your body gets better at handling intense workouts, and you can go the extra mile without running out of steam.
The research concluded that consistent supplementation with a Cordyceps containing mushroom blend may enhance tolerance to high-intensity exercise, leading to improvements in maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), time to exhaustion (TTE), and ventilatory threshold (VT). These benefits appear to be more pronounced with consistent and longer-term supplementation (three weeks). The study also highlights that greater benefits could potentially be achieved through constant supplementation.

So, if you're looking to level up your workouts and smash your personal records, Cordyceps might just be the boost you need.

Health Benefits of Cordycepin in Cordyceps:

The following are the benefits of cordycepin in Cordyceps mushrooms:

1. Antidiabetic Effects:

Diabetes, a modern epidemic, could potentially meet its match in Cordyceps. Through a multifaceted approach, this fungus has shown the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and enhance glucose metabolism. With the potential to offer a more natural approach to diabetes management, Cordyceps could be a game-changer for those struggling with this condition.

2. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Health:

Our hearts and lungs stand to benefit from Cordyceps as well. It could potentially play a role in managing hypertension, thanks to its ACE-inhibitory activity. Moreover, its bronchodilatory effects could aid those with respiratory conditions, ushering in easier breathing and improved lung function.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

Inflammation, the silent adversary behind many diseases, faces a formidable opponent in Cordyceps militaris. This fungus demonstrates the ability to modulate immune responses and suppress inflammatory reactions.

Through intricate mechanisms, it targets various factors and pathways responsible for inflammation, from cytokines to transcription factors. Even the notorious NF-Kb pathway, notorious for its role in inflammatory processes, is tamed by Cordyceps militaris. The result? Potential relief from a range of inflammatory conditions.

4. Immunomodulation:

Our immune system's orchestra finds a conductor in Cordyceps militaris. This fungal marvel orchestrates the modulation of immune cell functions and responses, ultimately enhancing immunity. Cordyceps achieves this through various immunomodulatory proteins and factors, with notable effects on macrophage activation, cytokine production, and more. This could potentially translate into improved resistance to infections and diseases.

5. Bone Health:

Cordycepin might help with bone health and possibly even contribute to preventing osteoporosis.

6. Anti-Arthritic Effects:

By reducing inflammation and protecting cartilage, Cordycepin could be a potential aid for those dealing with arthritis.

7. Antioxidant Effects:

Picture a potent natural shield that guards our cells against oxidative stress and damage – that's the antioxidant prowess of Cordyceps militaris. The primary source of this remarkable activity lies in its polysaccharides, with elements like ergothioneine, phenolic compounds, carotenoids, and selenium adding to the antioxidant arsenal. Cordyceps militaris outshines its counterparts in this regard, effectively suppressing lipid peroxidation, a process linked to cellular damage. The correlation between antioxidant capacity and neuroprotection, as well as hepatoprotection, has been intriguingly established through meticulous rodent studies.

8. Anti-cancer Activity

Cancer, the looming giant of mortality, might have met its match in Cordyceps militaris. The chemical Cordycepin, derived from this fungus, boasts impressive anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.

In scientific studies, Cordyceps militaris' aqueous extract has demonstrated the ability to suppress the proliferation of lung cancer cells and induce apoptosis (programmed cell death). This remarkable action is attributed to the increased activity of enzymes like caspase-3, caspase-8, and caspase-9, which are instrumental in promoting apoptosis. Even the elusive telomerase enzyme, often associated with cancer, is inhibited by Cordyceps militaris.

9. Neuroprotective Action:

Cordycepin emerges as a potential guardian of our precious neurons. Through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions, this compound showcases neuroprotective potential, potentially mitigating the effects of conditions like dementia and ischemic brain injury.

10. Ergogenic and Anti-fatigue Activity:

Imagine a natural energy booster that can enhance endurance and delay fatigue. Cordyceps militaris steps in as a potential solution, influencing the production of ATP and antioxidant enzymes. This leads to improved physical performance and a longer time to fatigue, as observed in animal studies. In humans, the incorporation of Cordyceps into the diet has shown remarkable effects on athletic endurance, VO2max, and blood lactate levels.

11. Anti-microbial Activity:

Microbes, beware! Cordyceps showcases impressive antimicrobial properties, with its cordymin peptide inhibiting the growth of various fungi and even exhibiting antiviral effects against HIV, herpes simplex virus, and more. In the realm of COVID-19, cordycepin's molecular interactions with SARS-CoV-2 suggest potential antiviral capabilities.

12. Fertility Enhancement:

The dreams of many struggling with fertility issues might find solace in Cordyceps militaris. This fungus, rich in cordycepin, has shown the potential to enhance both sexual vitality and fertility. Research suggests that it can boost testosterone and estradiol-17 levels, improving sperm quality and quantity. Such findings could reshape the landscape of fertility treatments.

Nutritional Content of Cordyceps Mushroom

Cordyceps is like a super mushroom full of nutrients that our body needs to stay healthy and grow. Just like we eat good food to get energy and stay strong, Cordyceps gives us a lot of special things that are really good for us.

Imagine it's like a treasure chest of healthy stuff: there's protein (which is great for our muscles and body), some moisture (like water), a bit of ash (that's not the ash from fire, but important minerals), a small amount of fat, and a good amount of carbohydrates (which give our body energy).

Different kinds of Cordyceps mushrooms have different nutrients. For example, one type called Cordyceps militaris is loaded with amino acids (these are like the building blocks of protein) that our body loves. It also has good fats and something special called cordycepin, which can be really good for our health.

1. Proteins and Amino Acids:

Cordyceps contains approximately 21% protein in some varieties, which can support muscle growth and repair.
Cordyceps militaris, a specific type of Cordyceps, is rich in various amino acids, including essential and non-essential ones. Amino acids are vital for building and repairing tissues, producing enzymes, and supporting overall bodily functions

2. Fats and Fatty Acids:

Cordyceps mushrooms contain fats, including healthy unsaturated fats.
Around 70% of the fatty acids found in Cordyceps are considered beneficial for human health, particularly in supporting cardiovascular health and inflammation regulation.

3. Carbohydrates and Energy:

Cordyceps contain carbohydrates, which serve as an energy source for the body.
These carbohydrates can provide sustained energy levels and support physical activities.

4. Vitamins:

Cordyceps mushrooms contain various vitamins, although specific types and quantities may vary depending on the species and growing conditions.
Vitamins like B-complex vitamins (such as B1, B2, B3, B5, and B12) and vitamin K are often found in Cordyceps.

5. Minerals:

Cordyceps mushrooms contain essential minerals that are important for various bodily functions.

Minerals like iron play a role in oxygen transport within the body, while calcium supports bone health and numerous other minerals contribute to overall wellness.

6. Special Compounds:

Cordyceps mushrooms contain unique bioactive compounds that contribute to their potential health benefits.

Cordycepin, a compound found in Cordyceps militaris, is of particular interest for its potential antimicrobial and immune-enhancing properties.

Adenosine, another compound found in Cordyceps, is believed to have cardiovascular benefits and may help regulate blood flow.

7. Colorful Compounds:

Cordyceps mushrooms contain various pigments that contribute to their distinct coloration.

These colorful compounds may have antioxidant properties and contribute to the potential health benefits of Cordyceps.

8. Moisture and Ash:

Cordyceps mushrooms have a certain moisture content, which includes water.
The term "ash" refers to the mineral content left behind when organic matter is burned. In Cordyceps, ash refers to the presence of important minerals that contribute to its overall nutritional profile.

Because Cordyceps can be used to make medicines, healthy foods, and other useful things, scientists are still discovering all the amazing ways it can help us.

Bioactive compounds in Cordyceps

  • Cordycepin,
  • Polysaccharides,
  • Sterols,
  • Fatty acids,
  • Phenolic compounds

Ways To Consume Cordyceps Mushrooms | How to take cordyceps mushroom

Cordyceps tea involves steeping dried cordyceps mushrooms in hot water to create an infusion. Here's how you can make cordyceps tea:

Start by choosing dried cordyceps mushrooms or cordyceps tea bags.
Boil water and let it cool slightly.
Place the dried cordyceps in a teapot or cup.
Pour the hot water over the cordyceps.
Allow it to steep for about 10-15 minutes.
Strain and enjoy the tea.

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Cordyceps capsules contain cordyceps extract in a convenient pill form. Here's how to take cordyceps capsules:

Follow the dosage instructions provided on the product label.
Swallow the recommended number of capsules with water, usually before meals

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Cordyceps tincture is a concentrated liquid extract of cordyceps. To take the cordyceps liquid:

Measure the recommended dosage using the dropper provided with the tincture.
Add the drops to a glass of water or another beverage.
Consume the mixture according to the dosage instructions.

Cordyceps powder is versatile and can be added to various foods and beverages. Here's how to use cordyceps powder:

Measure the desired amount of cordyceps powder using a measuring spoon.
Mix the powder into smoothies, shakes, juices, yogurt, oatmeal, or other foods.

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A hot water extract involves preparing cordyceps by simmering them in water to create a concentrated liquid. Here's how to make a cordyceps hot water extract:

Start by selecting dried cordyceps mushrooms.
Place the dried cordyceps in a pot.
Add water and bring it to a gentle simmer.
Allow the mixture to simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally.
Strain the liquid to remove the mushroom residue.
You can consume the hot water extract directly or mix it with other beverages or recipes.
Important Considerations:

When using cordyceps products, follow the recommended dosage provided on the product label. Dosages can vary based on the form and concentration of the product.
It's advisable to consult a healthcare professional before adding cordyceps to your routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
When purchasing cordyceps products, choose reputable and trusted brands to ensure quality and safety.
Pay attention to your body's response when trying a new form of cordyceps. If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider.

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​​where are cordyceps found?

Cordyceps are primarily found in various regions of Asia, with a particular emphasis on high-altitude areas. Some of the common countries and regions where Cordyceps can be found include:

  • China
  • Nepal
  • Bhutan
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Vietnam
  • Thailand

These countries are known for hosting different species of Cordyceps in their natural habitats. The most renowned and prized species is Ophiocordyceps sinensis, often referred to as the caterpillar fungus or the Himalayan snow mushroom. This species grows in the alpine meadows of the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas. It parasitizes the larvae of ghost moths, which reside in the same habitat.

While Asia is the primary region where Cordyceps are found, they can also be found in other parts of the world, including:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • South America

Different species of Cordyceps have adapted to various host insects and environments. For instance, Cordyceps militaris is a species found in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, while Cordyceps gunnii is found in Australia.

Cordyceps can either be wild-harvested, which involves collecting them from their natural habitats, or cultivated under controlled conditions in environments like laboratories.


Cordyceps products, including supplements and culinary options, can be found in various places both online and offline. Here are some common options for purchasing Cordyceps:

Health Food Stores: Many health food stores, both local and chain retailers, offer a selection of dietary supplements, including Cordyceps supplements in various forms like capsules, powders, and extracts.

Online Retailers: Numerous online platforms provide a wide range of Cordyceps products. Websites like Amazon, iHerb, and Vitacost offer a variety of brands and options.

Specialty Supplement Stores: Some stores specialize in nutritional supplements and natural health products. These stores often carry a variety of mushroom-based supplements, including Cordyceps.

Herbal Shops: Specialty herbal shops might carry Cordyceps in various forms, as it's a well-known ingredient in traditional herbal medicine.

Farmers' Markets: Depending on your location, you might find fresh or dried Cordyceps mushrooms at local farmers' markets, especially if you're in an area where mushroom cultivation is practiced.

Asian Markets: In regions with a strong Asian culinary influence, you might find dried Cordyceps mushrooms or Cordyceps-infused products in Asian grocery stores.

Online Mushroom Retailers: Some websites specialize in selling various types of mushrooms, including Cordyceps, in different forms.

Local Natural Health Practitioners: Some naturopaths, herbalists, or natural health practitioners may offer Cordyceps products for purchase in their clinics or offices.

Direct from Producers: Some companies that cultivate mushrooms, including Cordyceps, offer their products directly to consumers through their websites.

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How much cordyceps per day | how much cordyceps should I take?

The recommended dosage of cordyceps per day varies depending on the individual's age, health, and the specific product being used. However, most studies have used doses of 1,000-3,000 milligrams (mg) per day.

It is crucial to begin with a low dose and gradually increase it as your body tolerates. Some individuals might experience side effects such as upset stomach or nausea, particularly at higher doses.

Here are some general guidelines for taking cordyceps:

For adults, a typical recommended dosage ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 mg per day.
Children should start with a lower dose, usually around 500 mg per day, and increase it as tolerated.
Individuals with certain health conditions, like liver or kidney disease, may need to take a lower dose, so consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.
Taking cordyceps with food is recommended to reduce the risk of stomach upset.
Cordyceps can be taken once or twice a day, depending on your preferences and the form of the supplement.

If you're considering taking cordyceps, it's advisable to consult your doctor first. They can help you determine the appropriate dosage based on your individual health profile and can provide guidance on potential interactions with any other medications you may be taking.

Side Effects of Cordyceps

When taken orally: Cordyceps is possibly safe for most people when taken in doses of 3-6 grams daily for up to 1 year. It might cause mild side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, and stomach discomfort.

"Auto-immune diseases" such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: When taken by mouth, cordyceps might cause the immune system to become more active. This could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it's best to avoid using cordyceps.

How long does it take for cordyceps to kick in?

The timing of when you might start feeling the effects of Cordyceps can vary depending on factors such as your individual metabolism, the form of Cordyceps you consume, and your body's response to the compounds it contains. While Cordyceps militaris is water-soluble, and its compounds like cordycepin can be absorbed relatively quickly, it's important to note that noticeable effects may not be immediate for everyone.

The statement that you should be able to feel the effects of Cordyceps almost immediately might be a bit of an overgeneralization. While water-soluble compounds can indeed be absorbed relatively quickly by the body, the effects of Cordyceps, like any dietary supplement or natural remedy, often take some time to manifest. Here's a more nuanced understanding

Short-Term Effects:

Some individuals might experience a subtle boost in energy or a sense of well-being shortly after consuming Cordyceps, especially if they are particularly responsive to its compounds.

However, it's unlikely that you would experience significant changes or effects within just a few minutes of consumption.

Gradual Effects:

The effects of Cordyceps are often cumulative and may become more pronounced over time as the compounds build up in your system.

Many people report experiencing the benefits of Cordyceps after consistent consumption over several days to weeks

Individual Variability:

Everyone's body responds differently to supplements and natural substances. Some people might notice effects more quickly, while others might take longer.

Specific Benefits:

The specific effects you're looking for (such as improved stamina, better focus, or immune support) may also influence how quickly you notice any changes.

Full Absorption Time:

While water-soluble compounds like cordycepin can be absorbed relatively quickly, the full absorption and utilization of these compounds might take some time.

The statement that your body will fully absorb the water-soluble compounds within 24–48 hours is a general guideline, but the effects may continue to develop beyond this time frame.

when to take cordyceps?

Any time you want to.

Does cordyceps give you energy?

Cordyceps are believed to potentially enhance energy production within cells by increasing the efficiency of oxygen utilization and improving the body's ability to use glucose for energy. This could potentially lead to improved endurance and reduced fatigue.

However, it's important to note that individual responses to cordyceps can vary, and the extent of energy-enhancing effects may differ from person to person. Additionally, the specific benefits of cordyceps might depend on factors such as the dosage, duration of use, and the overall health of the individual.

What does cordyceps taste like?

Cordyceps mushrooms possess a distinct and intriguing flavor profile. They are characterized by a savory, umami taste accompanied by earthy and nutty notes, reminiscent of chestnut mushrooms. Additionally, Cordyceps has a slight sweetness to its flavor. However, it's worth mentioning that some individuals may detect a subtle touch of bitterness in its taste.

Are cordyceps safe?


Cordyceps are generally considered safe for most people when taken in recommended doses. However, there are potential side effects and considerations to keep in mind:

Potential Side Effects:

Some potential side effects of Cordyceps may include upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, headache, and insomnia.

Allergic reactions are possible, although they are relatively rare.

Medical Conditions to Consider:

Cordyceps should be avoided by individuals with certain medical conditions, including cancer, diabetes, bleeding disorders, autoimmune diseases, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If you have any of these conditions, consult your doctor before taking Cordyceps.

Limited Research on Long-Term Safety:

There is limited research on the long-term safety of Cordyceps, so it's advisable to exercise caution if considering prolonged use.

More research is needed to understand any potential risks associated with long-term consumption.

Interaction with Medications:

Cordyceps may interact with certain medications, including blood-thinning medications and immunosuppressants. Consult your healthcare provider if you're on medications.

Quality and Source:

To ensure safety, purchase Cordyceps products from reputable sources that provide certified and tested products.

Dosage and Gradual Introduction:

Start with a low dose and gradually increase it to assess your individual tolerance.

Taking Cordyceps with food can help reduce the risk of stomach upset.

Consult Your Doctor:

Before adding Cordyceps to your regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are on medication, it's important to consult your doctor.

Discussing potential benefits and risks with a healthcare professional can help you make an informed decision.

In summary, while Cordyceps are generally considered safe for many individuals, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects, consult a healthcare professional if you have specific medical conditions, and purchase high-quality products. If you experience any adverse effects while taking Cordyceps, discontinue use and seek medical advice.


Should you take Cordyceps before or after eating?

Many people prefer to take cordyceps on an empty stomach. It shouldn't cause any issue at all. However, if you'd like, you can take it after a meal as well.


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Cordy Vigour 500mg Cordycep capsule supplement (4577512620150)
Cordy Vigour 500mg Cordycep capsule supplement (4577512620150)
Cordy Vigour 500mg Cordycep capsule supplement (4577512620150)
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